About Us
Welcome to the website of MAB General Investments Plc. (MAB Általános Befektetési Zrt.).
MAB Plc. manages industrial and mining related greenfield and brownfield investments in rapidly developing countries of Central-Eastern Europe, from the exploration of investment opportunities through detailed feasibility studies, planning and authorisation procedures to implementation and economical operation.
MAB Plc. is continuously seeking contact with financially strong international, professional and investment partners in the first, for the purpose of joint venture and investment, planning and implementation related consultancy.
In Central-Eastern Europe, we posses wide-ranging experiences regarding economic, legal, environmental, quality management and social-political issues. In co-operation with our partners, we successfully integrate existing know-how and corporate culture into local business practices.
In addition to our abovementioned investment management as an added value, we also provide the following services to our clients: real estate development and operations (in co-operation with our specialised affiliate, B&D Real Estates Ltd.), market research, market introduction, accounting, financial and legal support (in co-operation with our specialised affiliate, MAB PSZJMI Ltd.), corporate IT systems engineering and implementation.
Our Projects
Our current projects in progress
Real estate development in Törökbálint. The first phase of the greenfield industrial and commercial building complex commenced at the end of 2005 was completed in 2008, as a result of which an office building of A+ category, of 3,000 m2 space and of special design was delivered. The office building functions as an administrative centre for industrial investments. The second phase of the development is currently under preparation. Project implementation: presumably, in 2012.
Total project value: approx. 12 million EUR.
Opencast mining in the Heves County Kisnána region (please click here to access the web site of our affiliate). During the past 15 years, we established one of the most competitive eruptive stone mines of Hungary as a greenfield investment, by continuous human and capital investments, and with the installation of one of the most state-of-the-art, computerised crusher and classifier facilities of the region. Today the mine utilizes efficient technologies for the production of over 500,000 tonnes per annum of recycled materials and additional B quality products of similar range, from a market perspective it practically covers the entire region of Eastern Hungary, Budapest, the capital city, and also the Eastern ends of Western Hungary. Currently, an investment worth almost 3 million EUR is in progress, after the implementation of which, we shall be able to produce perhaps the best quality superfractions of the country, and our capacity shall exceed 1 million tonnes per annum.
Total project value: approx. 15 million EUR.
Deep level mining in Eastern Hungary. The extraordinary potentials of the Mátra Mountains in Hungary have been proven for centuries with regard to the exploration and mining of colour metals (copper, zinc, etc.) and precious metals (gold, silver). Currently, we are co-operating with a Far-Eastern partner with the aim to start the mining of deep level non-ferrous metals. With regard to the mineralisation of the proved deposits, the situation is very favourable: there are almost 30 million tonnes of skarn type copper ore exceeding 2%, and 200 million tonnes of porphyritic type copper ore of 0.5% contained there according to the data of the cored bed exploration of over 200,000 metres performed to date. In addition, we study several other potential deposits, which in total enable the effective exploitation of several hundred million tonnes of colour metal ore.
Total project value: approx. 700-900 million USD.
Objectives and Strategy
Our strategy is to continue to create value through project development, exploration, including joint venture partnerships and strategic investments.
The Company will continue to exploit its competitive advantage across Central-Eastern-Europe, without being constrained by it. We will look to take advantage of good quality investments and opportunities providing further diversification by geography and commodity. Maintaining a strong project pipeline is essential to achieving organic growth of the Company. Evaluation of opportunities will include merger and acquisition (M&A) activity. MAB Plc. will seek opportunities for project acquisitions or corporate mergers which will provide investment in cost competitive projects.
Growth will also be achieved through expansion of operations and exploration. We are currently looking at expansion plans for Serbia, Romania, Slovakia and Poland, including expansion of our plants and current resources and reserves. In exploration we continue to work on programmes focused in the most promising areas of our substantial Central-Eastern-European holdings.
We continue to derive strategic advantage from our proprietary geoscientific database and place priority on utilising the latest exploration technology. In addition, we continue to work with our joint venture partners and are looking for new partners which fit with our strategic growth plans.
Codes of Basic Management Principles
Our values, principles and practices are based on the recognition that our Company operates in a competitive environment that is characterised by gender, cultural, ethnic diversity. This environment imposes social and economic challenges that require members of our Company, at all levels, to show a deep understanding of and sensitivity towards these issues.
Against this background, the Code is intended to guide our behaviour in all of our dealings. This is essential in fostering a healthy and enjoyable workplace and to the Company’s reputation and success as a good corporate citizen.
The core values that will guide the behaviour and performance of all the Company’s directors, officers and employees are: Fairness, Accountability, Integrity, Transparency and Honesty, abbreviated by the acronym “FAITH”.
- Fairness – we treat all persons equally and we respect all persons as individuals
- Accountability – we uphold the law and we are answerable for our actions and conduct
- Integrity – we mean what we say
- Transparency – we are open in our dealings
- Honesty – we are truthful and trustworthy and we look after our Company’s assets)
Contact us
MAB General Investment Plc’s central offices are located at:
HU-2045 Törökbálint,
Torbágy u. 20.
Hungary / EU
Tel: +36 1 700 4900
Fax: +36 1 700 4999
Email: info@mab.co.hu
Office hours: Mon-Fri 8.00 – 16.30 (CET)